they suck sometimes. but othertimes, i love them.
-like when they tell you they love you, then the next day say they dont remember because they were high.
so you go to the gym and meet new guys at the pool and start liking them. because theyre very sweet, funny, and cute. oh lord.
i love summer<3 i just hope they BOTH text me :3 even though that one guy still needs to get my number....
Cable. It sucks sometimes, but other times it's great. Like i'm sitting their flipping through the channels, and nothing is really grabbing my attention. I mean, I have about one hundred and something channels, and there's not a damn thing to watch. How is that possible? Just because it's the middle of the day, and most people are at work, doesn't mean they have to show all the crap that no one wants to see. They could at least show reruns of good shows from the past. For example, why the hell don't they show more Fresh Prince reruns? That show was brilliant. Oh well, at least I have the internet.
I know right ./:
the only good shows are played at like 5 in the morning. Like Full House.